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Glass + Bamboo Steam Chalice

Glass + Bamboo Steam Chalice


Package includes:
- Glass base
- Bamboo stem
- (2) Glass Kutchie
- (2) Clay Gritty (screen)
- 1lb Activated Coconut Charcoal

How to use a steam chalice:
- Assemble chalice together
- Add water into the base (draw from stem to find the perfect "bubble")
- Add your choice of herbs/flowers inside the kutchie
- Place the clay grit above the material
- Arrange coconut shells on top of the screen
* Pro-tip: put larger shells on top to avoid fly aways
- Torch method: Torch the coconut shells until red, you can create more
fire by gently blowing on the coals.
Lighter method: Light a corner of a shell, get it red hot and arrange it
into the kutchie and blow until coals are hot.
- Once coals are hot you can start steaming, the steam will build up as you draw.
- When done, allow kutchie to cool to remove and pour water out.
You can steam a variety of herbs and flower blends; lavender, rosemary, mint, etc.

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